Blanchard’s Cricket Frog


Scientific Name: Acris crepitans blanchardi
Size: 0.6 – 1.5” (adult length)
Status: Rare and declining throughout range.
Michigan State Status: Threatened
MDNR Wildlife Action Plan Status: Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Blanchard’s Cricket Frog


Usually found on edges of permanent bodies of water such as ponds, bogs, lakes, and sluggish rivers or streams. Will also occupy mud flats or sandy shorelines.

Adult Coloration:

Back may be brown, tan, olive, or gray, occasionally with patterning that can be green, reddish, or black. Usually with a broad light stripe down the center of the back. Two light bars extend from corner and edge of jaw to the eye, and pigment forming a dark triangle is often visible between the eyes. Often there will be a dark stripe from the shoulder to the groin, and another on the inside of each thigh. There may also be dark bands of pigment across the upper legs.

Adult Characteristics:

Very small frog with warty skin, long hind legs, and webbed hind toes. Toe tips are not obviously expanded. Snout is blunt but pointed. Males will have a thickened pad on the inside of the thumb and a vocal sac made apparent by gray mottling, although these characteristics are most visible during the breeding season. Voice: Call is similar to sound of pebbles being tapped together. Series of clicks that may last over 30 seconds. Usually begins at a slower tempo and increases. e.g.,

Larvae Characteristics:

Tadpoles are elongate and olive to brown with black speckling. Tail fins are narrow and tail has a distinctive black tip.

Species Confused With:

The Northern Spring Peeper is similar in size and shape, but it has smoother skin and usually an X-shaped mark on the back.


  • Amphibians and Reptiles of the Great Lakes Region by Jim Harding
  • Harding, J.H. and J.A. Holman. 1992. Michigan Frogs, Toads, and Salamanders. MSU Cooperative Extension Service and MSU Museum. Extension Bull. E-2350, 144 pp.
  • Ruthven, A. G., H. B. T. Gaige, et al. 1912. The herpetology of Michigan, by Alexander B. Ruthven. Crystal Thompson and Helen Thompson; Memoranda towards a bibliography of the archaeology of Michigan, by Harlan I. Smith; prepared under the direction of Alexander G. Ruthven. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford, State Printers.
  • Holman, J. A. 2012. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michigan: A Quaternary and Recent Faunal Adventure. Detroit, Mich., Wayne State University Press.
  • Conant, R., and Collins, J. T. 1998. Reptiles and Amphibians: Eastern, Central North America. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Press.